How to make a 5 kg war bot for Robo sumo( part 1) .....

 If you are want to make a 5 kg sumo robot for Robo war then you must have to follow some theory. I am telling you the right theory behind those bot's, and with out this theory you are not able to understand that how much power and torque will required to operate your bot. 1. Circumferential Velocity Calculation: If you are think that at first you chose the motor and then you will find wheels for your Bot, then my friend your idea is totally wrong. At first chose your  Bot's wheel then calculate the circumferential velocity. Now, usually in most of cases we are using 2 or 3 inch wheel for our 5 kg war bot. Consider 3 inch wheel and we will get the Circumference is 0.235 metre. Remember this one you have to convert those units in SI. And suppose consider your motor's RPM is 300. Now, Circumferential Velocity of your bot is Vs= (π * D *N)/60 ;        (π * D) is  Circumference of wheel                                                                               =(0.235*300)/

HAL-AMCA, worlds most dangerous fighter

HAL-AMCA is an Advanced Medium Combat fifth-generation Aircraft, that would be designed by Aeronautical Development Agency(ADA) and developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL).
 What's makes it worlds most Dangerous Fighter
It would be a single-seat stealth all-weather multirole supersonic fifth generation Aircraft. It's length, height would be possibly 17.2 m and 4.8 m. AMCA 's wing area is around 39.9 square metre and Gross weight is around 18 tonnes. Maximum takeoff weight is approximately 29 tonnes. And fuel capacity is around 6.5 tonnes.

AMCA will comes with a 23 mm GSH-23 main cannon. It's capable for launching Air to Air missiles (AAM) like Astra (MK-1,MK-2,MK-3), NGCCM(Next Generation Close Combat missile,which will be designed and developed by DRDO) , SEDR. It's also equipped with Brahmos hypersonic,SANT, NGARM, DRDO's smart Anti-Airfield Weapon types of Air to Ground missiles and Bombs like Sudarshan, DRDO's SAAW and DRDO's glide bomb.

There will no confirmed details about AMCA's engine. But it will expected that the MK-1 variant of it need a 98 KN thrust and MK-2 varient needs 110 KN thrust. And primarily the 98 KN thrust engine will delivered by General Electric's F414 afterburn turbofan engine. It's assumed that it could be reach upto 2.5+ mach and it will trouble upto 1,400 km in combat and 5,323 km in Ferry. It's service ceiling height is 20,000 m and it's rate of climb will be 300 m/s.

Radar And Sensor Syatems:
AMCA will comes with superior avionics sensor suits as same like every fifth generation fighters.
It's will also equipped with new generation GaN based AESA for superior detection and performance. Currently there is no fighter jet's has GaN based radar. 
AMCA's Sensors are jointly developed by LRDE, BEL and many other privet contributers. AMCA comes with a self protection jammer system to jam enemy radar guided missiles, Electronics counter measure system to confuse the infrared guided missiles and a radar warning receiver.

Last Update:
Expected 4 prototypes are being ready in between 2025 to 2026. And production is being started in 2029 but only after designed of Tejes MK-2.


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